Pixie Presents: Life, with Style.

Each season is full of traditions that are meant to be used as reasons to celebrate, remember, learn, teach, and partake in the cornucopia of culture itself.


Join in the excitement, share the beliefs you honor and in others you value as well; you may learn new things and even rediscover lost pieces of your past and of yourself; while having fun, dressing up and growing together-into the future.


From 'Pixie-land's Cornucopia of the World' to You and Yours, wishing the best of an amazing season to you!

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love.

Lifestyle News & Entertainment:

Food For Your Mood

Eating well is your best bet! Menu ideas and DYI examples to get you cooking, prepping, and enjoying the good life- in style

You are what you eat; What are you building in there? 


"The only valid change worth making, comes within."

Hey Honey

A sweet topper, ancient remedy, candles, for beauty and more  Its just like magic

I'm good for you- try me xo

“The Only Valid Change Worth Making Comes Within”

'‘Of course, no one wants to listen to me, yet as sure as I am sitting here we will be destroyed unless we create a cosmic conscious, and we have to begin to do that with the youth that are the politicians of tomorrow.’ -Albert Einstein

The Enlightenment Revival, it is a New Era.

Women's history, world history, your history and your future are in these pasts.

"No one is free until everyone is free" -Fannie Lou Hamer


I decided it is better to scream... Silence is the real crime against humanity.

-Nadezhda Mandelstam


""No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion".

-Carrie Chapman Catt

Land of the Free

‘We don’t know how many people are being held against their will, can we fix America’s broken conservatorship’

-Market Watch 8.2.21.

Promised Lands

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."


-Isoroku Yamamoto

Pixie Presents wants to make access to resources and information easy to obtain. We share what lifestyle tips, health, research, stories, and experiences that support, inspire, and helps to motivate the maintenance of a naturally healthy, interactive, growing lifestyle and community.
If you have stories, experiences or information you would like to share please email us at



Pixie Presents is not a licensed health practitioner or "authorized" otherwise, Healthy lifestyles and experiences contribute to the information featured.
For your viewing and discussing pleasure, enjoy.



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